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Weekly Blog: 3rd November
Our theme of the week has been safety. Some of the things the children have enjoyed doing include:
  • talking about what we have done in the holidays
  • lots of counting games, songs and activities
  • lots of number recognition to 10 games and number rhymes
  • focusing on positional language
  • singing nursery rhymes and enjoyed action songs
  • lots of mark making and hand writing practice
  • forming numbers and shapes on wipe boards and paper
  • chalking outside in the front playground
  • talking about safety in the environment and how to look after each other
  • sorting pictures of what things are safe and unsafe
  • lots of stories, listening games and looking at books
  • playing ball and hoop games in the garden
  • played I spy letters in phonics
  • listening for the initial sounds in words and sorted the pictures
  • in a group we listened to and segmented and blended three letter words
  • counting a certain amount of bricks out of a large group
  • counting pictures and formed numerals
  • talking about road safety, fire safety, Halloween and bonfire night safety
  • talking about growing up
  • designing pumpkins on paper
  • painting and craft
  • lots of free art, the children have chosen painting, colouring and gluing among other things this week

As usual the weekly blog represents a snapshot of what most of the children participate in during the week. Please speak to your child's key person if you would like to have further information about your child's interests and progress. You are welcome to ask your key person for feedback at any time and book a time to have a meeting for feedback on how your child is progressing. Hoping you all have a lovely weekend. Best wishes, Julia, Grace, Hannah, Lisa, Jackie and Adam
Chesterton Playgroup