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Weekly Blog: 15th November 2019
This week the children have continued to be animated and lively in their play. Activities have included:

  • listening to the story of Olivers vegetables and then sorting foods into two groups, healthy and unhealthy
  • learning abut remembrance day, making poppies and completing two minutes silence as a group
  • talking about our personal safety, the pants rule and learning the pantosaurus song. Please refer to the following page for further information:
  • developing our physical skills through a yoga session
  • lots of listening games, dancing and singing
  • lots of interesting role play as the children were dressing up for children in need this week
  • developing our book talk as we sat in a group and discussed Winnie the Witch after reading the story
  • juicing fruit and developing our hand strengthening skills while completing this activity
  • matching quantity to numeral with our wooden number board and wooden blocks
  • We have extended our art area so the children have more access to choosing their own resources by organising the cupboard so the door can remain open for the children to access equipment. This has inspired the children to really investigate the craft area and we are encouraging them to use a range of media in their art
As usual the weekly blog represents a snapshot of what most of the children participate in during the week. Please speak to your child's key person if you would like to have further information about your childs interests and progress.

A big thank you to all who donated throughout the week for children in need. We raised £71 and we are extremely grateful for your support.

As you are aware from a letter that was sent out to you all, playgroup is working alongside the community dentist services in the hope of gaining a healthy smiles accreditation.
A lunchbox audit was completed and the results are as follows:
Out of a total of 14 lunchboxes audited 3 were balanced for all food groups. 7 had at least two portions of fruit or vegetables. 4 lunchboxes contained more than an adults daily maximum amount of sugar (30g). 70% of lunchboxes contained less than 10g of fat.
If you are interested in having further information on the lunchbox audit there will be further information displayed on the parent noticeboard in the hall. In the meantime we would like to encourage parents to please not include crisps and cake in lunchboxes, continue to only provide water in water bottles and keep lunchboxes as healthy as possible. Please refer to Change 4 Life

We hope that you all have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes, Julia, Grace, Sharon, Lisa, Jackie and Amy

Chesterton PlaygroupChesterton Playgroup