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Weekly Blog: 22nd July 2024
A note from the playgroup team:

We have had a fun academic year learning lots of new things and watching the children development and have fun.

We wish all of the children moving up to school all the best for the future and you will all be missed.

The team would like to thank our volunteer trustees without whom we could not run. Many thanks to Chris, Charlotte and Juliet. Also many thanks to our new Trustees Jack and Keira for their support.

We hope to celebrate 50 years of playgroup soon and we hope that children and their families from past and present can attend. We will update you on details soon.

Wishing you all a safe and happy summer holidays. Please click on the links below if there are any things you would like to try at home.

Best wishes, Julia, Claire, Hannah, Lisa and Adam

Home Learning Activities

Phonics activity booklet

Summer themed maths activity pack

Summer colouring and puzzle activity booklet

Summer busy book