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Weekly Blog: 9th February 2024
Our theme of the week has been learning about Chinese New Year, Valentines Day and Shrove Tuesday.
Some of the things the children have enjoyed doing include:
  • role playing in the ice cream parlour
  • learning about Chinese New Year and making Chinese Posters and decorations
  • making paper dragons, watching dragon dancing and having a go
  • listening to the animal zodiac story about how the Chinese New Year was created
  • playing with the parachutes
  • enjoying action games, dancing and singing
  • lots of mark making and hand writing practice
  • enjoying shape puzzles
  • making paper lanterns
  • making valentines cards and craft
  • matching numbers to quantity
  • developing fine motor skills tweezing pom poms
  • talking time about what we did at the weekend
  • listening games
  • learning about pancake day and making pancakes
  • lots of child initiated play and free art
  • recognising logos
  • handwriting practice

As usual the weekly blog represents a snapshot of what most of the children participate in during the week. Please speak to your child's key person if you would like to have further information about your child's interests and progress. You are welcome to ask your key person for feedback at any time and book a time to have a meeting for feedback on how your child is progressing. Hoping you all have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes, Julia, Claire, Hannah, Lisa, Jackie and Adam
Chesterton PlaygroupChesterton Playgroup