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Weekly Blog: 15th March 2024
Our theme of the week has been focused on Maths.
Some of the things the children have enjoyed doing include:
  • singing lots of counting songs
  • looking at groups of more and less
  • completing puzzles
  • looking at patterns and completed repeated patterns
  • sorting things into long/short, high/low, heavy/light etc
  • counting individual items
  • looking at 2D and 3D shapes, their properties and names
  • playing games based on positional language
  • enjoying playing with number magnets
  • phonics and literacy activities and games
  • matching colours and shapes
  • copying and tracing numbers
  • creating a giant number line
  • playing hopscotch
  • enjoying stories and looking at books
  • lots of fun craft, painting, drawing and gluing etc
  • building with wooden blocks

As usual the weekly blog represents a snapshot of what most of the children participate in during the week. Please speak to your child's key person if you would like to have further information about your child's interests and progress. You are welcome to ask your key person for feedback at any time and book a time to have a meeting for feedback on how your child is progressing.
Hoping you all have a lovely weekend. Best wishes, Julia, Claire, Hannah, Lisa, Jackie and Adam
Chesterton PlaygroupChesterton Playgroup