Weekly Blog: Week beginning 25th November 2024
We have finished our topic for November of fairy tales. In December we will focus on learning about Christmas around the world and enjoying lots of festivities. This week we focused on Jack and the Beanstalk.
Activities we have done include:
- listening to the story jack and the beanstalk
- making a giant beanstalk
- scooping beans
- copying jack and the beanstalk story words
- jolly phonic songs and singing nursery rhymes
- following a jack and the beanstalk pencil control mazelistening and attention games, listening to sounds by the seaside and sounds at the zoo
- cutting out jack and the beanstalk pictures
- making characters from the jack and the beanstalk story to put on the giant beanstalk
- we put up our Christmas tree and decorated it
- made character masks of our weekly story
- segmented and blended three letter phonic words
- did music and movement sessions
- practiced Christmas songs
- learnt about Thanksgiving and made 3D turkeys
- practiced letter formation
- investigated the properties of ice
- counting and number formation activities
- enjoyed a bean action game
- listened to story cd's
- enjoyed lots of craft including making Christmas pictures
- learnt about St Andrews Day and made shortbread and made a Scottish flag
Please see the links below for home learning ideas related to our topic.
For further home learning ideas you can look back through the previous weeks to find more ideas of things you can do at home.
Best wishes, Julia, Claire, Hannah, Lisa and Adam
Home Learning Activities
Jack and the Beanstalk 01
Jack and the Beanstalk 02