Weekly Blog: Week beginning 24th of February to the 7th of March 2025
We welcome everyone to the start of the new half term. We have been busy with two key topics. We have learnt all about people who help us during week one and we had a fun baking week during week two.
Activities we have done include:
- discussions on who can help us and what they do
- cutting and sticking sorting activity on people who help us
- made a handprint firefighter painting
- lots of puzzles and games
- modelling with play dough
- playing outside on our new climbing frame
- discussion on what everyone enjoyed during their half term break
- talking about what we want to be when we grow up
- learning new songs
- learning about vets and what they do
- jolly phonic songs and singing nursery rhymes
- yoga
- lots of small world play
- music, movement and action songs
- learning about what the police do
- finding the missing order in a small sequence
- learning about St Davids Day
- baking biscuits
- learning about pancake day and making pancakes
- learning about good hygiene while cooking
- lots of name recognition activities and name writing practice
- cooking blueberry and banana muffins
- making mini pizza
- talking about healthy and unhealthy food
- making chocolate cake
- rhyming games
- counting games
- lots of stories and looking at books
Please see the links below for home learning ideas related to our topic.
For further home learning ideas you can look back through the previous weeks to find more ideas of things you can do at home.
Best wishes, Julia, Claire, Hannah, Lisa and Adam
Home Learning Activities
People Who Help Us 01
People Who Help Us 02