Chesterton Playgroup
About Us: Trustees

Chesterton Playgroup is a member of the Pre-School Learning Alliance and is a registered charity (charity number 1152029) and is run by Trustees who are volunteers.

Chesterton Playgroup decided in 2012 to become an Incorporated charity ie a Charitable company Ltd by Guarantee. This meant that we no longer required a minimum of 5 voluntary committee members who needed to be parents or carers of children at pre-school in order to stay open but instead require a minimum of 3 Trustees who could be a parent of pre-school or a member of the local community.

We currently have exceeded our requirement of a minimum of three trustees who are involved in Chesterton Playgroup.. The role of the Trustees is to take responsibility for the overall running of the pre-school including overseeing finance, fundraising, legal requirements and staff appraisals. The Trustees meet regularly and the Pre-school Manager reports in to these meetings on a termly basis.

The Trustees are ultimately responsible for the implementation of the Revised Early Years Foundation Stage (2014), however, the day to day implementation is delegated to the Pre-school Managers, Julia Shillito and Claire Hall.

The Trustees ensure that any funds raised through trading (fees) and fundraising activities are used to further the charitable objects of Chesterton Playgroup's Articles of Association. click to downloadDownload the Memorandum Of Association of Chesterton Playgroup

The Trustees are:
Chris Hawes: Chairperson
Charlotte Massey: Joint treasurer
Juliet Neal, Craig Robertson and Jack Nelson

Chesterton Playgroup            The Village Hall            Alchester Road            Chesterton            Oxfordshire            OX26 1UN
Contact Details Julia Shillito and Claire Hall 01869 360593 (Playgroup Manager Team)

General e-mail contact